Dear Time,
I am 19 years old. I am married. I have been married for like ten months! (HoLy GoOdNeSs!!!!).
It is now 2010. I have been alive for almost 2 decades!---that makes me feel kind of old.
I am almost starting my Sophomore year of college. I still remember my Sophomore year of high school like it was yesterday-kind of. Sophomore year of college seems to have less drama but costs more....I haven't figured out which one I would rather live without.
School is so crazy. Thank goodness for no homework Sundays that give me a break from the constant school demands. James and I both are either going to school or studying for school...and when we are not doing either of that we spend our time making a little money to help pay for school.
Since I have been so stretched for time I will give a quick summary of what has been going on in our lives lately:
-Let's start with December
*James and I finished our semester strong and very glad that it was over. We quickly
packed up the car and our suit cases and got in the car with James' sister Becky and drove to
Colorado. It was an ok drive- I strongly dislike driving- but I made it ok.
*James and I spent Christmas with his family and had a TON of fun. Sadly it wasn't a white Christmas
which we were all hoping for, but it was definitely cold and it was so good to be with family.
*For Christmas presents, we gave Kaeti and Gloria "new rooms". It was hard work but I think they really
like them. (I hope they do anyway...)
*James and I also got to spend some really good time with his grandparents. Although situations weren't
exactly ideal, we all came out stronger in the end.
*Our time in Colorado was short but sweet. But we had to come home quickly to get to two
really good friends' weddings. Both brides were beautiful and both grooms looked very happy. Congrats to
them both and thanks for letting us spend time with you on your special days.
-Happy New Year! (January)
*Shortly after we returned to Tucson from our holiday travels, James' family came down to visit us!
It's so fun to be with family and friends for holiday seasons and thankfully we got to be with both families
when we brought in the New Year
*Also during their stay here, we were able to throw a surprise party for James' dad where a lot
of Willcox friends came down. We all had a wonderful time and we actually managed to make it a real
*Sadly all vacations have to come to an end...I had to go back to work, James had to go back
to school and our house needed to be cleaned really bad.
*School started up again and after that, time just seemed to thing we new, it was February!
*Not too much happened in February...we spent countless hours working and going to school
and thankfully we got to play with friends on the weekends :)
*I am the Personal Progress leader in Young Womens and for the I was able to go to the temple
with the youth and be the leader for the first time. It was such a special experience. I can't remember how
many good temple trips I had while I was in Young Womens and I am so grateful to be able to be apart
of these girls lives and the experiences that they have at the temple.
*Valentines Day brought some fun events. Aro Hale (my mom's nephew) was baptized
and the whole family on my mom'sside had a family party. Also, James and I had a fun dinner
with some of our good friends. We also were able to see Becky, James' sister, shortly after
she was swept off her feet and agreed to marry her prince charming, Tyler. Yay!
Two weddings in row for James' family! James and I were able to spend a quiet night together-
he got me some nice bath salts and a chick flick that he agreed to watch with me (which is a HUGE deal!)
Over all, Valentine's Day was very, very good!
*The end of February brought my Dad's parents. I so LOVE when Nana and Papa come. They
were able to be here for the Candler's priesthood ordination. Candler, finally turned 12 and is officially a
Deacon. It was good to have all of the family together and to see Candler so happy.
*Along with Nana and Papa's visit, was a wonderful Family Home Evening lesson from Papa.
The told us all great stories form when he was a boy and things about his family that none of ever knew.
Thank you so much Papa for sharing your stories and also your testimony with us. And thank you both
Nana and Papa for coming and sharing your time with the family.
*Oh ya, and Becky has been so wonderful and has let me help her with some wedding plans.
So during Rodeo Break, Becky and I went to Mesa to look for a wedding dress. :) Found one! But I'll let her
do the showing of her special dress.
*One of my classes is ending (next week actually) and so my life is going into double time for a
week. Hopefully I will make it through...
*The week after next is Spring Break and James and I are going to IDAHO! ...ok sounds weird
but I am excited because we get to see Chase. My cousin who has been on a mission and he is finally coming
Home :) Oh and, we get to ride on and AIRPLANE! I may hate driving, but I love flying!
So I think that's about as good of an update as any...Time sucks sometimes but for the most part, I am thankful
for time. For the time I get to spend with James, my family and such great friends. For the time I have to learn
about good things and about the wonderful gospel.
Sorry for the forever long update but I hope you enjoy!