So yesturday wasn't exactly the greatest day of my life. It wasn't the worst either, but there are just some days where I think, Dang, I should have stayed in bed.
The details of the day don't really matter, but what does matter is the light and inspiration I felt at the end of the day.
Most of the time when things are hard, I will sit down and write or I will lose myself in a book. With writing things down, I am able to get the mess out of my mind. With a book, I become lost in another world and my own feelings don't matter, I live with the characters in my book.
Well last night as I was lying in bed pretty much feeling sorry for myself, I chose to enter the world of Emma Smith in Anita Stansfield's Emma: Woman of Faith.
First of all, here I am throwing myself a pitty party when I have the comforts of nice home and the support of family and great friends and the love of a wonderful husband (who isn't perscuted wherever he goes).
Ok so strike against me- I am way too good at being sorry for myself. That has def gotta go.
So I start reading. The part of the book I am in, Emma is given her own revelation through Joseph Smith. Well for some reason I couldn't keep reading without the nagging feeling that I needed to go get out my lovely Quad and read this section in the D&C. I got up and went to living room and started to look for the section- it took me a while to remember which one it was.
Finally I found it, D&C section 25. I started reading the section heading and found out the the previous chapter (ch. 24), this chapter ( 25) and the following chapter (26) were all given for the reason of encouragement and loving guidance while the early church was going through some difficult times.
Well I decided, I think I need some encouragement, I could use come guidance out of this selfish rut. So I started reading with Ch 24. I found some great versus in both 24 and 25 and I still need to read 26 to find what more great words await.
I thought I would share some of these versus with anyone who wants to read. :)
D&C 24:8
Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.D&C 25:3
Behold thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady whom I have called.D&C 25:9
And thou needest not fear, for thy husband shall support thee...D&C 25:13-14
13. Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unit the covenants which thou has nade. 14. Continue in the spirit of meakness, and beware of pride. Let thy soul delight in thy husband, and the glory which shall come upon him. So after reading these things, I felt a whole lot better. I felt like I have a whole to improve on, but I felt better. I am so grateful for prayer and for scriptures, to know that my Heavenly Father's love is real and that He really does know me.
Well that's my bit for today. Maybe this will help someone else who may be havin it rough today.